Printing note: This design was created to be 8.5″ x 14″ and the design pdf will print best on legal size paper.
Wild Ones Meet the Designers Webinar
Meet the Designers of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Native Garden Designs
Plant List
This list is inclusive of only the native plants in this specific native garden design. The list is meant to provide a basic preview of the beautiful and diverse plants featured in this design and serve as a reference tool when selecting plants at a nursery. (The list can be printed in two columns using landscape mode in your print settings.) More thorough information about each of these native plants can be found online at the Audubon, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center and United States Department of Agriculture websites, all of which provide a wealth of native plant information including comprehensive North American native plant databases.
Alternate Leave Dogwood(Cornus alternifolia)
Anise Hyssop(Agastache foeniculum)
Big Leaf Aster(Eurybia macrophylla)
Bloodroot(Sanguinaria canadensis)
Blue Grama(Bouteloua gracilis)
Butterfly Weed(Asclepias tuberosa)
Chokecherry(Prunus virginiana)
Common Elderberry(Sambucus canadensis)
Crooked-stem Aster(Symphyotrichum prenanthoides)
Culver's Root(Veronicastrum virginicum)
Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle(Diervilla lonicera)
Early Meadow Rue(Thalictrum dioicum)
Golden Alexanders(Zizia aurea)
Harebell(Campanula rotundifolia)
Heart-leaved Aster(Symphyotrichum cordifolium)
Hoary Vervain(Verbena stricta)
Indian Grass(Sorghastrum nutans)
Interrupted Fern(Osmunda claytoniana)
Lady Fern(Athyrium filix-femina)
Large-flowering Bellwort(Uvularia grandiflora)
Leadplant(Amorpha canescens)
Little Bluestem Grass(Schizachyrium scoparium)
Mayapple(Podophyllum peltatum)
Meadow Blazing Star(Liatris ligulistylis)
Mountain Mint(Pycnanthemum virginianum)
Nannyberry(Viburnum lentago)
Narrow-Leaved Coneflower(Echinacea angustifolia)
New Jersey Tea(Ceanothus americanus)
Nodding Onion(Allium cernuum)
Ohio Spiderwort(Tradescantia ohiensis)
Path Rush(Juncus Tenuis)
Pennsylvania Sedge(Carex pensylvanica)
Prairie Coreopsis(Coreopsis palmata)
Prairie Dropseed(Sporobolus heterolepis)
Prairie Phlox(Phlox pilosa)
Prairie Pussytoes(Antennaria neglecta)
Prairie Smoke(Geum triflorum)
Purple Coneflower(Echinacea purpurea)
Purple Prairie Clover(Dalea purpurea)
Rattlesnake Master(Eryngium yuccifolium)
Red Osier Dogwood(Cornus sericea)
Rough Blazing Star(Liatris aspera)
Showy Goldenrod(Solidago speciosa)
Smooth Penstemon(Penstemon digitalis)
Smooth Serviceberry(Amelanchier laevis)
Snowberry(Symphoricarpos albus)
Solomon's Seal(Polygonatum biflorum)
Sprengel's Sedge(Carex sprengelii)
Sweet Black-eyed Susan(Rudbeckia subtomentosa)
Sweet Joe Pye Weed(Eutrochium purpureum)
Tall Thimbleweed(Anemone virginiana)
Virginia's Bluebells(Mertensia virginica)
White False Indigo(Baptisia alba)
Wild Bergamot(Monarda fistulosa)
Wild Columbine(Aquilegia canadensis)
Wild Geranium(Geranium maculatum)
Wild Ginger(Asarum canadense)
Wild Strawberry(Fragaria virginiana)
Yellow Coneflower(Ratibida pinnata)
Zigzag Goldenrod(Solidago flexicaulis)
About the Designer
Carmen Simonet is a landscape architect with a passion for using native plants. She has over 25 years of experience providing landscape master planning and site design services for commercial developments, public parks, and private gardens. She is the owner of Carmen Simonet Design LLC and recent projects include design of a natural playscape for a child development center, consulting on the landscape design for a conservation development, designing lakeshore buffer plantings, and residential gardens seeking to replace lawn with native habitat! Carmen received her BLA and MS in landscape architecture from the University of Minnesota.
Designer Statement
As a designer I bring together making places for people and partnering with nature to make healthy living landscapes. Using ecological design principles, I depict ideas that move clients away from conventional practices, and towards the creation of biodiverse, regenerative landscapes.
About Wild Ones
Wild Ones (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization) is a knowledgeable, hands-on, and supportive community focused on native plants and the ecosystem that depends on them. We provide resources and online learning opportunities with respected experts like Wild Ones Honorary Directors Doug Tallamy, Neil Diboll, Heather Holm, and Larry Weaner, publishing an award-winning journal, and awarding Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Program grants to engage youth in caring for native gardens.
Wild Ones depends on membership dues, donations and gifts from individuals like you to carry out our mission of connecting people and native plants for a healthy planet.
Looking for more native gardening inspiration? Take a peek at what our members are growing!