Garden Designs

The designs were created with the premise that using native plants in landscaping can be beautiful, promote wildlife, and be achievable for gardeners of all skillsets in terms of scope and budget.

Each design

  • includes at least 15 or more native plant species
  • uses multiples of plants rather than “specimen” plantings to be consistent with building attractive pollinator gardens per Xerces and other science-based pollinator advocates.
  • favors species with long and staggered bloom times to enhance the ornamental nature of the gardens and provide pollen and nectar through the season.
  • includes considerations concerning soil (type/texture, pH, etc.), and other conditions (moisture, sunlight) typical for the specific ecoregion)
  • includes an incremental approach to developing the plan, adding new areas and native plant species as time and funds permit.

Looking for more native gardening inspiration? Take a peek at what our members are growing!